Meeting room
Check in
The right to use the Resource Center premises (for purpose of holding meetings, press conferences and workshops) have all civil society organizations, activists and interested individuals who submit a properly completed application for the use of the premises within the prescribed period and whose request is in accordance with RC criteria for the approval of the use of premises.
The application for the use of the premises should be submitted at least 10 working days before the planned event.
RC is obliged to respond to the request for use of the premises no later than 2 working days from the date of receipt of the request.
RC reserves the right to reject a request in accordance with its own operating rules and criteria for using the RC premises.
RC reserves the right to request additional documentation (registration document, statute, etc.)
If the request is approved, RC reserves the right to request from the competent person / persons who submitted the request to inspect the premises in the presence of the Office manager and to provide more detailed information about the event orally and / or in writing.
The use of this hall does not imply any financial compensation of the users.
Apply to use the Resource Center's meeting room
I hereby declare that if the request for free usage of Resource Center's Meeting room is approved, as the person responsible for the event I accept legal and material responsibility in regards to conducting the above described event, respecting of the CRNVO's code of business conduct with a focus on preserving space, working and technical materials of CRNVO. I hereby accept the responsibility to return the space to its original condition and that in any case of damages our organisation accepts full responsibility.
Event organisation
The RC premises is limited in the number of events participants, so we do not recommend organizing events for more than 20 people.
RC provides the premises for a limited period of time with the permission to use certain technical aids (plasma monitors for presentations, spotlights for press conferences, additional cables and laptops). The user of the premises is responsible for all additional technical and other aids.
The event can be organized on working days (Monday-Friday) in the period between 09h and 15h.
The use of RC premises is restricted to the RC press hall and event participants and organizers are not allowed to use other premises (except toilets).
After the event
The user is obliged to return the room that has been leased for use to its original condition.
The user is obliged to cover the costs in case of damage to office or any other material by the organizers or participants of the event. The same applies to the possible costs of cleaning the premises.
In accordance with the current health situation in Montenegro caused by the new Corona virus as well as the recommendations of the National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases in Montenegro, it is necessary to transfer as much work as possible to online platforms.
In this sense, the Resource Center offers support to civil society organizations in organizing online events (meetings, trainings, focus groups …) through the ZOOM application. This support includes short training on how to use the application, the provision of premium ZOOM packages as well as assisting during event by RC.