Enabling environment for Civil Society in Montenegro
About the program
In order to build a enabling environment for civil society, the Resource Center continuously advocates a number of solutions in this area at both national and local levels. In order for the amendments we send to decision makers to be valid and based on data and not perception, regular research is conducted through the project. Exclusively on the basis of research data and clear recommendations, Resource centers further direct their activities and, through regular communication with decision makers, make concrete proposals for improving the position of CSOs and the general context in which they operate.
The project plans to develop
Analysis of NGO funding from the state and local budgets in 2018
Analysis of NGO funding from the state and local budgets for 2019 and 2020
Analysis of citizens’ trust in non-governmental organizations in Montenegro in 2019
Analysis of citizens’ trust in non-governmental organizations in Montenegro in 2020
Analysis of CSO participation in decision-making processes at the national and local level for 2018
Analysis of CSO participation in decision-making processes at the national and local level for 2019 and 2020
Under this program, the Resource Center will organize two conferences to create a forum where representatives of CSOs, relevant national institutions, municipalities, international organizations and other stakeholders will discuss issues important for building a favorable environment for CSOs. The conferences will also provide an opportunity to organize panel discussions on current issues and an opportunity to exchange additional information through separate discussions, workshops and consultations. The conferences will be organized in such a way as to enable the participation of a large number of relevant and interested stakeholders and it will be an opportunity to network and create partnerships.
Organizing Conference on the Enabling environment for CSOs
Conference on the enabling environment for CSOs was held on September 20th 2019. It was held in Hotel „Centre Ville“ inPodgorica and had more than 100 participants among whom are the Prime Minister, the Ambassador of the European Union to Montenegro, 7 Ambassadors, 5 Ministers and numerous representatives of the Embassies, International organizations, Government, Local self-governments, CSOs and the media. The opening remarks gave Prime minister of Montenegro, the Ambassador of the European Union to Montenegro and the Coordinator of the project Resource centre.
The following topics were discussed at the event:
- Government activities towards the establishment of an enabling framework for the civil society;
- Situation in the field of freedom of expression and media; why this issue is so important for the democratization of society; have we as a society made progress in this area;
- EU attitude towards this issue. Who is bound by the findings from the EC report, which are very clear in this segment.
This conference was a space to continue the dialogue between non-governmental organizations and the Government, which was initiated by the Prime Minister on the occasion of the Report of the European Commission for Montenegro, with a focus on cooperation between the two sectors in the European integration process.